The Fly Family is a children’s literature series created by Meagan F. Clements. The books feature a family of anthropomorphic house flies who learn lessons about self-love, the healing power of rock and roll music, and the importance of chasing your dreams, igniting a passion for all of life’s adventures and everything you do!
Grayson (6); Owen (10)
Finn (7); Cameron (9)
Even babies love The Fly Family!
Awesome kiddos have fun coloring flies!
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New Zealand
Frederick Fly
and the
Lake Trip Extravaganza
Frederick Fly loves his family — his wonderful wife Fiona and children: 8-year-old twins Fonzy and Fillmore and 10-year-old Franny, a rock and roll loving princess! Travel with the Fly family as they head out on their annual Fourth of July trip to Lake Fishimento, complete with flyboarding, flystyle swimming, and Uncle Fender’s famous, barbecue feast!
Frederick Fly
Flips Out
Once a gymnast, always a gymnast! Frederick Fly and his flystastic family are on a road trip to Alabama where Frederick is competing in the Flies’ All-Around Fitness Championship! Are his tumbling, weightlifting, and acrobatic skills up to par with the rest of his level 10 teammates? And…uh-oh! What about his competition?!?! Will he survive the pressure and still manage to create one of the most thrilling family vacations since The Lake Trip Extravaganza??
Franny Fly
and the
Blues Rock Battle
Could it be true? Franny Fly is finally shaking wings with the legendary band Handsome? Isaac Handsome, Taylor Handsome, and Zachary Handsome, best known for their 1997 hit, Mmmbuzz, are on tour promoting their rock record This Fly Around at the legendary House of Flies blues venue where rock princess Franny has entered a music competition. Can she handle her fluttering wings when heartthrob and competition judge Isaac Handsome compliments her guitar skills??
There’s No Such Thing as a
Perfect Fly
All flies dream of having perfectly shaped wings, the buzziest buzz, and being the fastest of flyers but even Frederick knows there’s no such thing as a perfect fly! Fly twins Fonzy and Fillmore are turning another year older and with that, comes a buzz of insecurities! Father Frederick knows that loving oneself comes from deep within. But it just might take a little more than Frederick’s words of wisdom to teach his handsome sons to love themselves for all they are and more!
Fiona Fly
and the
Great American Bake-Off
Fiona’s foxy husband Frederick and charming children Franny, Fonzy, and Fillmore depend on HER, more than SHE depends on them. But what happens when Fiona puts herself first, deciding once and for all that it’s her time to shine? It’s The Great American Bake-Off and this time around, Fiona is the star!
Franny’s First Dance
Valentine’s Day is approaching and Franny is eager to attend the Palm Springs Middle School Fling! What will she wear? Will all her fly friends be there? Don’t forget Fabio Fisher, the fly boy she’s secretly been crushing on since the sixth grade! Find out in this sock hop adventure!
My favorite part was when Fillmore didn’t feel good and all his friends were sending him things to make him feel better. It showed that they care.
Feeds the Homeless
Everyone’s favorite foodle is back! Frances may resemble a toy fox terrier more closely than he does a poodle, but the important thing is his heart — his heart for the homeless. Palm Springs, a scenic town in the heart of Coachella Valley in sunny, Southern California, may be a hot spot for tourists each summer, but for Frances, it’s home. He’s on a mission to help homeless dogs who are left without food, water, and shelter needed to survive one of the hottest summers Palm Springs has ever seen!
Black Rock Trilogy (Chapter Books)
The Mystery at Black Rock Beach
Franny Fiorella Fly, the sassy yet sweet, punk rock princess of the famous Fly Family series is all grown up! From her flashy ears freshly adorned at a local piercing parlor to her ripped Blue Barry Jeans, she struts into the room like she’s 12 going on 20. Franny is eager to celebrate her seventh-grade graduation with a trip to Hawaii but what begins as innocent Fly family fun, quickly turns into an adventure that is more than what she bargained for! In a time of despair, Franny discovers there’s strength in numbers, power in uniting against what’s immoral, and the importance of counting her blessings.
Frankie and Fawny and the Magnificent Blue Pearl
When Franny Fly returns to the island of Maui on a school trip, she discovers Frankie and Fawny — formerly The Black Rock Bandits — are out to sea in search of the rarest pearl on the island. The pearl, worth a pretty penny, will provide funds necessary to renovate the animal shelter where Frankie’s evil cousin is up to no good. Frankie hasn’t spoken to Fist since making the decision to turn his life around. Now, he and Fist must mend their differences, becoming a voice for the helpless animals. It’s up to Franny to step in and help, but it just might take a few more wings to guide her in the right direction. Find out in this thrilling adventure…a lesson in kindness, compassion, and courage.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
When Finny Feldman’s aunt passes away unexpectedly, the Fly family hops on a plane to Maui for the memorial service. But Finny is so distraught over the loss of Aunt Fraidy that he fails to show up on the day of the service. Mr. and Mrs. Feldman are worried sick. Even Frances, everyone’s favorite foodle — a toy fox terrier mixed with a poodle — is worried he might never see his boy again.
Franny, Fonzy, and Fillmore Fly enlist the help of experienced fisherman Frankie Fera and his jeweler best friend, Fawny Fillopolus to find Finny, bringing him back to Black Rock Beach in time for the scattering of Aunt Fraidy’s ashes at sea. Finny has always been there when his friends needed him the most. Now it’s time for Finny’s friends to return the kindness. As the old saying says, “What goes around, comes around.”
Be on the lookout for…
Fonzy Fly: Lights, Camera, Action!
Frederick’s Cherry Pie Surprise
Buzz into the beginning of…
Frankie and Fawny and the Magnificent Blue Pearl
What Goes Around, Comes Around
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